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OpenTransportNet - Play with Transport Open Data and Create Maps. Excellence in Information Society Program Management. IS-practice is a Belgium-based SME providing consultancy services. Composed of partners from multiple European as well as non-European countries. IS-practice is an initiative of Hugo Kerschot. Our more than 20 years of experience. A technology start-up providing Location .
Play with Data and Create Your Own Maps. Turn your open geospatial data into insights and easy-to-read, visually appealing maps. Help your city or business solve transport related challenges by applying innovative insights and co-creating new services together with developers, data providers and community representatives. For more information please visit our project website. No technical experience needed! VISIT YOUR LOCAL HUB. Map Gallery - OTN Examples. And links to already created maps.
OpenTransportNet brings together an unprecedented powerhouse of state-of-the-art capabilities expertise in GI, Open Data and Open Innovation.
Naše advokátní kancelář poskytuje komplexní právní služby ve všech oborech práva. Speciální služba - sepisování smluv a návrhů do 48 hodin. S klienty jsme připraveni komunikovat i rusky a německy. Wir sind fähig mit russisch und deutschsprachigen Mandanten in. Rádi Vás uvítáme na adrese Jeremenkova 88, Praha 4.
World of advance medical science. Diams; September 20, 2012. Diams; Leave a comment. CCSVI treatment for multiple sclerosis is a ray of light to develop an effective treatment to overcome such diseases.
Участники форума станут свидетелями очередного вручения награды Virtiti Intreneti. Учрежденной Координационным центром в 2010 году. Кто получит награду в этом году - останется тайной до самого момента вручения, причем не только для гостей форума, но и для самого лауреата. Кроме того, RIGF 2016 проходит одновременно с конференцией IETF в Буэнос- Айресе, поэтому для участников форума будут организованы трансл.